QAI-CET Technical Support Service (CET TSS):

QAI’s Centre for Education & Training (QAI CET) will be happy to provide Technical Support Service (TSS) to healthcare facilities/ organisations for different accreditation programmes being offered under QAI’s Centre for Accreditation of Health & Social Care (QAI CAHSC). Such TSS can be sought for gap analysis using the self-assessment tool, mock audits, documentation, implementation and training in relation to specific accreditation standard.  TSS is currently available for the following accreditation programmes of CAHSC:

A healthcare facility/ organisation interested in seeking TSS may please reach out to CET TSS by sending an email to

Note: The use of QAI’s CET Technical Support Service (QAI CET TSS) is not necessary to obtain QAI CAHSC Accreditation, nor does it influence the granting of such accreditation.