S.No. |
Topic |
Dowload File |
1 |
CIA 001_General Inforrmation Brochure_Issue 9 |
2 |
CIA 002_Terms and Conditions for Maintaining QAI CIA Accreditation_Issue 8 |
3 |
CIA 004_Fee Structure for CAB Accreditation_Issue 7 |
4 |
CIA 005_Policy on Participation in Proficiency Testing & ILC activities_Issue 4 |
5 |
CIA 013_Policy for Use of QAI Marks_Issue 7 |
6 |
CIA 014_Disclaimer_Issue 6 |
7 |
CIA 017_Policy on Extension in Validity of Accreditation_Issue 2 |
8 |
CIA 018_Guidance on Remote Assessments_Issue 2 |
9 |
CIA 021_QAI-CIA Organisation Chart_Issue 4 |
10 |
CIA 022_Policy for Adverse Decisions_Issue 5 |
11 |
CIA 023_Procedure on Handling of Complaints and Appeals_Issue 2 |
12 |
CIA 025_Policy and Procedures for OA, OM and RA of CAB_Issue 8 |
13 |
CIA 029_Policy on Metrological Traceability of Measurement Results_Issue 3 |
14 |
CIA 030_Accreditation Timeline_Issue 4 |
15 |
CIA 033_Guidance for classification of Product groups in Testing & Calibration Field_Issue 2 |
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